We were created to search. We search for where we come from and where we’re headed. We search for why we’re here on Earth. We search for what makes us happy. But the secret to life is not found in the where, the why, or the what…the secret to life is found when we ask…who?
Our community wants to help you discover the answer to that question! We want to introduce you to the one you’ve been searching for, and we’re confident that when you meet the one you were created to search for and find…you’ll realize that this one, all along, has been searching for you.
We’re all at different places in our faith journey. Tap the statement below that best describes where you are, and you will be given more information, including how to connect with someone who can support you on your journey. We’re here for you and praying for you!
Our community wants to help you discover the answer to that question! We want to introduce you to the one you’ve been searching for, and we’re confident that when you meet the one you were created to search for and find…you’ll realize that this one, all along, has been searching for you.
We’re all at different places in our faith journey. Tap the statement below that best describes where you are, and you will be given more information, including how to connect with someone who can support you on your journey. We’re here for you and praying for you!
I want a safe and non-judgmental place to ask questions and learn more about the Christian faith without any commitment. OCIA
I am Catholic, and I want to become a member of the St. Thomas More Catholic Community
I am already a member of St. Thomas More and want to find ways to grow in my faith.
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